Brandi Harrell pink roller

Types of African-American Hair

Before you use any hair product, it is imperative for you to know your hair type especially if you have curly hair because curly hair is generally more sensitive than straight hair and requires special attention and care. Hair is generally divided into four chief categories: type 1 that stands for straight hair; type 2 that signifies wavy hair; type 3 that refers to curly hair and type 4 that symbolizes kinky hair.

Type 3 and 4 are hair texture types for African-American hair. People who have type 3 hair have S shaped bouncy curls that are well defined, dry and slightly rough.

This type has further three hair texture types for African-American hair: type 3a, 3b and 3c. 3a curls are springy and have a definite S shape. This hair type can be straightened easily and is normally shiny and not too dry. 3b hair ranges from springy ringlets to tightly wounded and convoluted corkscrews. It has a lot of frizz that can be reduced by regular oiling using olive or coconut oil. Lastly, 3c hair is best described by wiry, coarse and frizzy corkscrews that are quite hard to entangle and difficult to straighten as well. However, by using excellent quality hair products containing organic ingredients like coconut milk, soy protein and Shea butter, you can improve the texture of type 3c hair.

Type 4 hair is generally known as kinky hair that has three hair texture types for African-American hair, namely: type 4a, 4b and 4c. 4a hair is extremely coiled and shows an S-shaped pattern. This hair type can range from being wiry and frizzy to smooth and fine-textured. 4b hair type displays a Z-shaped pattern. This hair type has tightly wounded corkscrews that are short, springy, and quite coarse too. They have lesser moisture compared to type 4a. 4c hair is quite challenging to manage as this hair type has parched, coarse and dull corkscrews that are densely packed together and are difficult to brush, let alone style. The key to dealing with type 4 hair texture types for African-American hair is to use a wide-toothed wooden comb as wooden combs make combing curly hair pretty easy. Moreover, if you want to style it, you should use a good hair mousse.