See the Recap of CURLS ON THE STREET - NYC Right Here!
Curls on the Street as told by Amanda Clark...

NYC Street Team Lead
In true Diddy fashion, the NYC Curls Girls and loyal Curls fans took on the esteemed mogul's motto of "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" and stuck it out in the pouring rain just to get their hands on our Blissful Lengths Liquid Vitamins. Talk about support!!! Tucked away under the Union Square train station, sheltered from the rain, the Curls Girls and Curls supporters engaged and made real connections. There were about 45 women and two loyal dads who came to claim their prize for their daughters. I think these type of events are awesome because it provides us with the opportunity to build a real Curls community. It also opens the door to so many other important conversations. Since becoming a Lead, I think the number one goal I've made for this team is to create a culture that feels like a family, something like a sisterhood. Many of the girls have connected offline and have supported one another with their individual endeavors. I strongly believe that a strong unit produces quality work and since we've created a tight - knit family, our results will speak for themselves in the coming months.
Curls on the Street Interview with Monique Watters

1. How was CURLS on the STREET?
This event was a really good event. Curls fans were so excited about meeting us on the subway and getting free Curls Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamins that they arrived extra early. Some of the people that came out to our Curls on the Street Event ask for me and some of the other girls by name. They expressed that they followed us on social media and was happy to meet us. They explained how they loved Curls and following us as brand ambassadors.
1. The Rundown:
When I arrived, I was informed that all people waiting for us were lined up in the subway to shelter from the rain. While they waited in the subway, we quickly put the vitamins in the bags and brought the product into the subway station. We did this because it was still raining very hard outside and didn't want them to get wet. When we came into the subway station, everyone cheered. They were very happy to see us!!! The line immediately went from a line to a crowd surrounding us. We had to kindly ask them all to get in line and ensured them that everyone waiting would get a bag. As some of the Curls girls gave out bags, the others took photos with our Curls fans. In less than ten minutes, 48 vitamins were given out. Two ladies came after and received the remaining bags. Even though we had given out all the bags, we stuck around in anticipation that other people would come in the latter part of our event. At about 3:30, the girls left and Shantel and I stayed until 4. We stayed because we knew more people would come out. While we waited in Union Square Park, we had more people come after 3:30 looking for Curls. They said that they were disappointed in missing out on the event. However, they were happy to meet us and wanted to know if we were going to do another event like this one again. We spoke to a father who came out and said that his daughter lived in Atlanta and told him about the Curls on the Street Event from seeing it on Instagram. He said that his daughter demanded that he come out to meet us and get her a vitamin. He also mentioned that she wished we did a similar event where she lived.
2. Was it what you expected it to be?
YES! It could have been even better if we were about to execute what we had planned. We wanted it to be like a day in the park with outdoor games and fun.
3. Were there anymore challenges at the event?
Yes, the weather was a huge setback. Also, because we had a large turnout of people crowding around us, which was good, but it was also a slight problem.
4.How many women came?
The majority of our turnout were women. We gave 48 bags to women and two bags to two gentlemen who came out.
5. Why do you think this was such a great event?
I think this was a great event because this allows us to interact with our customers in a more personal way. It helps them to create a relationship with us, encouraging the feelings of being a part of the Curls family. When customers normally meet me at a hair show or event where I am selling, I speak to them briefly and then I am on to the next customer. In an environment like a park, where the entire team is working, people are able to have a more meaningful interaction with us that is not rushed. The customer/ ambassador ratio is more manageable.
6. What are some of your goals for the #nycurlsgirls team?
I would like for the New York Curls Girls to be a leading team amongst the Curls brand ambassador teams. With this said, I would love to have my team attend as many major hair and non-hair events to leave a positive influence on all customers and potential customers they encounter. Just like influencers, I want us to be "the buzz." I am working to eventually have people, organizations, small and large companies seek us out to bring our knowledge of natural hair and our creativity to their event. Depending on the event, I would also love for us to do more hair demonstrations.
"My name is Amanda and I love being on the CURLS team because it's bigger than just talking hair products. We get the opportunity to promote individuality and self acceptance. I can't think of a better message to be behind."
Monique Watters



My name is Jamiece and I love being on the CURLS team because we all represent different customers from our hair texture all the way down to our features and personal testimonies. Our team not only has strength in numbers but we also lead with positivity. This brand has always shown me genuine support inside as well as outside of the team and I feel so blessed to be apart it."

My name is Shantel and I love being on the Curls team because I enjoy helping fellow curly girls and guys embrace their Curls and explaining the way Curls products can become a part of their hair care regimen. Below are some pics that show my curls well.

My name is Bria, and I love being on the CURLS team because I always get questions and inquiries about my hair, what I use, and what I would recommend. Being that My hair has different textures and curl patterns, I can relate to many people with varying textures and suggest products and technique that make curly hair more manageable. CURLS products are always what I recommend to my fellow curly girls because there is literally a product and for every texture!
Chelsea Lopez Hyde

Chef Lexi

My name is Lexis and I love being on the curls team because it helps me to embrace my curls in a way I never got to growing up. It gave me a new curl friend family that helps me look my best with tips and tricks. Being on the curls team has helped me become more confident and sociable.
Jennifer Mateo
I think it's easy to see why this is the DREAM TEAM!!! On behalf of CURLS, we love and appreciate each one of you and the work you do with the CURL Community!
If you know these ladies, make some noise below. Otherwise, stay tuned with CURLS on Instagram at @frizzfreecurls to know of upcoming events!