Curls Gone Wild – How to Manage Multiple Curl Patterns
By Tiffani Douglas

Figuring Out Your Multiple Curl Types
First, figure out what your different curl patterns are and then learn about the characteristics of each. Type 4C hair, for example, is very tightly coiled and coarse, so it likely needs moisture more often than type 4A hair, which retains moisture better. When managing multiple hair textures on one head, knowing is more than half the battle. Once you figure out what you’re working with, you can more effectively care for and style your hair.Caring for Your Multiple Curl Types
Multiple curl textures need several care-methods and products. While Type 4A is well defined, 4B is less defined. To ensure you are properly caring for each type of curl pattern, section your curly hair by texture and choose products that complement that particular type. Cleansing multiple-curls on wash days. All type 4 hair is fragile, but some types are more delicate than others. If you have multiple curl patterns, be especially careful not to over manipulate while cleansing and use a sulfate-free cleanser, like Sea Kelp Curl Cleanser. Deep condition coarse areas first with Sea Kelp & Cucumber Hair Mask so that it has more time to penetrate. Caring for curls at night. Again, knowing you curl patterns makes all the difference as it relates to your specific hair care needs. In areas where your hair may be more tightly coiled, applying a stretching method like Bantu knots or banding may be necessary to match areas where curls are looser and longer. Always tie it up with a silk scarf or sleep on a satin pillowcase. Styling with multiple textures. Finding styles that work for multi-textured hair can be a real challenge, but you do have some great options. The most obvious is wearing your hair in protective styles, but it doesn’t have to stop there. Twist outs, braid outs, and roller or rod sets can help camouflage your hair’s many personalities and provide more uniformity in your style. Even a cute textured updo can do the trick to hide multiple curl patterns. For more information about natural hair care products, visit