If you have curls for hair and want your hair to become soft, shiny, silky and manageable then you need to supply it with moisture and useful nutrients and vitamins. One natural way of doing it as by using naturally made hair masks on your curls. Here are two really helpful and beneficial curly hair masks that would undoubtedly assuage your curly hair issues.
Honey, Olive oil and Egg Mask Mix ½ cup of honey, ¼-cup olive oil and 1 medium sized egg in a bowl. Stir the mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency and then apply it on your curls. Wrap up your curls with a shower cap and leave the mask on for about six to eight hours. Wash your hair with a good quality shampoo and make sure that the water you use is cold as warm water makes hair dry. Use this mask twice a week to get supple and silky curls.
Hair Strengthening Mask for People with Curly or Kinky Hair Take 1/3 cup plant oil, some nettle leaves, a few birch leaves, 1 egg yolk, 1-teaspoon lemon juice, 1-teaspoon honey, 1-teaspoon chamomile and 3 drops of rosemary oil. Heat the plant oil and add nettle leaves, chamomile and birch leaves to the oil too. Leave the pan on medium heat for about twenty to thirty minutes. After that, strain it and add honey, egg yolk, rosemary oil and lemon juice to it and mix the mixture really well. Before applying it on your hair, wet your hair and wrap it up in a towel so it becomes damp. This hair masks works best on damp hair. After applying the mixture on your hair, wrap it in a towel or shower cap and keep it on for about half an hour or maximum forty minutes. Wash your hair with cool water. This mask if used regularly will strengthen your curls and add volume to it.